Fun Activist, Danny Koh at FrightFest@Singapore Flyer

Wednesday, 26 October 2011 @ 1:19 am

How’s the week folks?!! We’re down to creepy business today as we check out Fright Fest at the Singapore Flyer which runs from 28th to 30th Oct, 7.30pm to 10:30pm (refer to for available time slots).

First of all, lets just say this is not really for the faint hearted, but would be a blast for those who love Asian horror ~!! The TuxSeeDo folks met up earlier for a round of Popeye’s Chicken before we hit the media preview of the event itself. I was rather worried about the spook event honestly, but not so much the creatures n ghosts though. Rather, I was afraid they might give me a sudden shock with my stomach so frickin full and I’d puke my eyes out! Yeah! My Popeyes that is… and that’s really scary for me LOL!!

Anyway, here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store. The Yakult Garden at the SG Flyer has been completely turned into some kind of “Asian Backyard of Death” (I don’t know what’s that, but it sounds crazy~). You’d see yellow talisman hung everywhere, and they even have English words/poetry written on them. How new is that?!

Obviously these folks have done their research and know that these Chinese talisman simply cannot work on the Western vampires and the gays, I mean folks, at Team Edward !!

As one ventures within the compounds, you’d be treated to ghostly shocks and creatures of the Asian kind. Check out this creepy old lady who runs/cycles next to speeding cars at Changi Coastal Road at night, as well as this tormented girl whose husband died from overdose of Yakult in the garden I suppose.

Some creepy characters, but not to worry, here’s a tip for everyone in case you are really afraid of attending this event or freaking out halfway in front of the ladies:

If you are feeling afraid of walking in, don’t tell yourself things like: Ghosts don’t exist, its just a fun thing. NO, ITS NOT! U will be SHOCKED! But its fun!
Instead, use the Danny Koh theory of Ghost Revenge! ( and this applies in real life!!) If you think you should see a ghost and get killed, don’t worry!! You see, most ghosts died a horrible death or are vengeful. If they can die and become a ghost, SO CAN YOU!! :D If you die on the spot, you WILL become a ghost and you give it right there and then to the bugger!!!!! ( remember to loot their kim zua or hell money by the way) WOOHOOO!!!! Makes sense?!!! (All the better if it’s a pretty female ghost~ er…nevermind!)

Back to topic.

So as you can see, scares aside, we were really having fun. Here, you can see me pulling up a ghost from the well. Guess who? Yea, it’s the scariest mama of them all! HOLLY! LOL!

We really had a lot of fun and see, we also did some flirting with the female ghosts, lol!

Back at the lounge area, we were treated to a spectacle of seriously spooky folks dressed to KILL for the best dressed competition. The winner went out eventually to this girl who turned up as some kind of female freddy Krueger crossed with a Sadako look-alike. It was pretty sick haha! ( I suspect she might be a little kuku in the head in real life~ it was scary )

So folks, for those of you doing the Tuxseedo quests, as I call them, you’d earn a 150 points for taking a photo with any spook inside the backyard of death, so remember to do it!!
For now, Im gonna leave you with something interesting and scary I found that actually exists in Singapore!! Its some kind of ant, and look at those pincers. Just beware your nipples ok?!

Till the next time folks, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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